Software Companions - Gerber Viewers and Converters


Command-line switches

List of command-line switches for GerbView

All available GerbView switches are listed below.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have an idea for a switch you would like to see added to this list.

Switch and parameter Description
filename Start GerbView and open an existing file.
You may use wildcards (* and ?) instead of a single filename for this command.

GerbView.exe "c:\test.gbr"
GerbView.exe "c:\*.gbr"

/add filename Open a file in an already running GerbView instance. If no instance is currently running, GerbView will be started and the given file name will be opened.

GerbView.exe /add "c:\test.gbr"

/associate extension Associate the given file extension with GerbView.
Please note that you would need run this in a command prompt window with administrator rights.

GerbView.exe /associate gbx

/c format inputfile outputfile bitsperpixel dpi Convert the file named "inputfile" to a file of the given "format" named "outputfile".
For raster formats you may specify bits per pixel and dpi. Most of the raster formats supports 1, 8 and 24 bits per pixel. Please note that CALS only support 1 bit per pixel (monochrome).
You can combine this parameter with other switches found below, that can mirror or rotate the output.
Valid options for format are:
PDFAdobe Acrobat (PDF)
PDFRASTERAdobe Acrobat (PDF Raster)
PSAdobe Postscript
DWFAutodesk Drawing Web Format
DXFAutodesk DXF
CALSCALS Group 4 Raster
GBRGerber RS274X
PCXPaintbrush PCX
PNGPortable Network Graphics
SVGScalable Vector Graphics
BMPWindows BMP
EMFWindows Enhanced Metafile
WMFWindows Placeable Metafile

GerbView.exe /c DXF "c:\inputtest.gbr" "c:\output\test.gbx"
GerbView.exe /c TIFF "c:\inputtest.gbr" "c:\output\test.tif" 24 300

/cm format outputfile inputfile1 inputfile2 inputfile3 and so on Merge two or more files into a single file of the given "format" named "outputfile".
You may use wildcards (* and ?) for the inputfile parameters.
For this method only vector type output formats are supported.
All valid options for output format are listed below:
PDFAdobe Acrobat (PDF)
PSAdobe Postscript
DWFAutodesk Drawing Web Format
DXFAutodesk DXF
GBRGerber RS274X
SVGScalable Vector Graphics
EMFWindows Enhanced Metafile
WMFWindows Placeable Metafile

GerbView.exe /cm DXF "c:\temp\merged.dxf" "c:\samples\*.gbx"
GerbView.exe /cm GERBER "c:\temp\merged.gbx" "c:\samples\layer1.gbx" "c:\samples\layer1.gbx"

/mx Mirror the converted output file about the X axis.
This switch can be used in combination with the /c switch:

GerbView.exe /c format inputfile outputfile /mx

/my Mirror the converted output file about the Y axis.
This switch can be used in combination with the /c switch:

GerbView /c format inputfile outputfile /my

/p filename Open a file and print it.

GerbView.exe /p "c:\test.gbr"

/pc format inputfile outputfile pageno Convert the PDF file named "inputfile" to a CAD (vector) file of the given "format" named "outputfile".
The fourth parameter is the page number, and the first page is numbered 1.
All valid options for format are listed below:
DWFAutodesk Drawing Web Format
DXFAutodesk DXF
GBRGerber RS274X
SVGScalable Vector Graphics

GerbView.exe /pc DXF "c:\input\test.pdf" "c:\output\test.dxf" 1

/pt filename printer driver port Open a file and print it to a specified printer, driver and port.

/q Starts GerbView without displaying the splash screen.

GerbView.exe /q

/r90 Rotate the converted output file 90 degrees clockwise.
This switch can be used in combination with the /c switch documented above.
Open a file and print it to a specified printer, driver and port.

GerbView.exe /c format inputfile outputfile /r90

/r180 Rotate the converted output file 180 degrees clockwise.
This switch can be used in combination with the /c switch documented above.
Open a file and print it to a specified printer, driver and port.

GerbView.exe /c format inputfile outputfile /r180

/r270 Rotate the converted output file 270 degrees clockwise.
This switch can be used in combination with the /c switch documented above.
Open a file and print it to a specified printer, driver and port.

GerbView.exe /c format inputfile outputfile /r270

/resetgui Reset all toolbars and menus back to the default settings.

GerbView.exe /resetgui